The liquor burned as it slid down my throat into my empty stomach. I scanned the cantina around me, feeling the itch of someone's eyes on me. I had felt it since the street before I had entered the dingy, low-lit bar. I knew someone was watching me, but I couldn't find the set of eyes in the crowd. I took my glass from the bar and turned to scan the room again as my skin crawled. A booth near the back that was partially secluded opened up, and I walked over slowly, keeping an eye on my surroundings. I slid into the round booth, centering myself in the back of the seat. I now had a full view of the cantina, and there was no possibility of anyone getting behind me. I unholstered my blaster with my right hand and held it in my lap as I crossed my legs. My left hand gripped my glass of whiskey as I took another sip.
A commotion near the door caught my attention and I tensed ready to react if need be. But the noise was over as soon as it started. Just another drunk asshole starting another bar fight and getting tossed out on his ass.
I was tired. Far more tired than I had been in my entire life. What I wouldn't give for one night's sleep where I didn't have a death grip on one of my weapons. A night where I knew I was safe and there was no possibility that someone would pop up from around a corner trying to take my head off, or worse capture me.
I had been running for far too long. But it's what you have to do when you are someone like me. I belonged nowhere, I had no one, the only place I ever belonged was obliterated and the only people I had ever cared about were long gone. Many years and piles of debt later I was running from the price on my head. That’s what happens when you royally fuck up a job and the mark gets away. You can also only take out so many people until you're wanted dead or alive by those affected by your actions. I was wanted by both sides at this point and nowhere felt safe so I had to constantly be on the move. I had allowed myself this one night to have a drink or two before I sped off into the stars in search of my next refuge.
I watched a drunken man spot me alone in my booth from across the bar. I had hoped in the beginning that the battle armour I wore would keep creeps away but it seemed to intrigue many more than I had expected. Tonight was the same outfit as every night for the last year. Tight stretch pants with a layer of armour woven into the fabric. A long sleeve shirt with padded shoulders, chest, back, and stomach. Combat boots that came halfway up my calf with a dagger secured inside each boot. A holster sat on my right hip holding my blaster.
A small cape that came just to the bottom of my ass discreetly hid my melee weapon that was secured to my lower back. Everything was black with a pure dont fuck with me attitude. Maybe it was the fact I had let my hair down. My ponytail had been giving me a headache all day so my hair fell in dark waves around my face. I had a helmet that I wore when I was out and about but in the cantina it just wasn’t practical. I watched as the man eyed me again as he took a step in my direction. I silently begged for him to turn around and walk away but my pleas went unanswered. He closed the distance between us and my grip on my blaster tightened as I turned the barrel to face him under the table.
"Hey there." The man slurred his words as he leaned into my booth. "You're too pretty to be all alone and looking so serious. How about you let me turn that frown upside down?"
"No." I snapped. "Go away."
"Aw baby don’t be like that." The man reached a hand towards my arm. "Let me put a smile on that face."
I switched my blaster to my left hand. Reaching out quickly I grabbed his hand before he touched my arm. I twisted his wrist back as it cracked slightly. The man hollered in pain and I growled at him. "I said no. Now fuck off." I shoved his arms towards his chest, releasing my hold on him.
"You fucking bitch." The man pulled out his blaster but I was quicker and had mine to his temple before his arm was fully raised.
"I said fuck off." I snarled at the man who looked at me with narrowed eyes. "Now do it before I blow a hole in your fucking head."
The man re-holstered his blaster and held his hands up in defeat. I waited for him to walk away before I lowered my blaster bringing it back to my lap. I took a sip of my whiskey and let out a sigh. So much for a calm evening.
Third Person POV-
Across the cantina he had been watching her. His eyes had barely left her since she had come through the door. The energy radiating off of her was intoxicating and he felt drawn to her. He could feel her force energy but it was like she was trying to hide it. His eyes followed the girl as she took the booth in the back of the cantina. He didn't miss it as she scanned the room checking her surroundings for the millionth time. He could taste her anxiety on his tongue as if he were drinking that instead of his beer. Her armor was quite intriguing. Most who didn’t know about such things would never notice the reinforced fabric of her pants and shirt. But he noticed, he also noticed the two daggers, one in each boot. She was all business and he was curious to find out who she was.
When she sat he immediately noticed the blaster go into her hand under the table. His curiosity rose as he wondered what she could be so afraid of. She sat back trying to enjoy her drink and he watched her closely. When the drunk man had approached her booth the man watching her had been ready to intervene but she pulled her blaster and dispatched the asshole herself.
Now he watched as she sat tensed and paranoid, scanning the room again. He wanted to go talk to her but she had a leave me the fuck alone look in her eyes he wanted to respect.
He saw it before she did. She had leaned back only for a second to close her eyes in thought and that's all it took. Three men descended on the booth surrounding her. He stood from his stool at the bar and quickly made his way over to her. Just as the men went to slide into her booth he was behind them.
"Evening gentlemen, can I help you?" The man asked as the girl looked up at him with confused eyes.
"Fuck off buddy this doesn’t concern you." One man snapped over his shoulder.
"Since you're approaching my girl I think it does concern me." The man stood several inches taller than the three attempting to sit in the booth.
"Your girl?" One of the men finally turned around and had to crane his neck to see the man's face.
"Did I fucking stutter?" The man snapped back.
She took in his appearance as he stood in front of her. Tall, over six feet, wide shoulders, his muscles screaming to be let out of his tight black shirt. His hair fell in soft brown waves to just above his ears. The scruff on his face was at least a couple days old and accentuated his chin and jawline that looked like they'd been carved out of marble.
The three men turned to face the newcomer as he stood behind them. She held her blaster tight and waited to see the outcome of the exchange in front of her.
"Yeah if she's your girl why is she over here all alone." One of the creeps asked him.
"Not that it's any of your business but I was talking to my friends at the bar." He replied casually.
Just as the words left his mouth five men strode up behind him. Each one more handsome and menacing than the next. They took a look at the three creeps in front of the booth and excused themselves as they pushed past them and started to sit into the seats. The man who had come over first slid in onto her left side and two of his friends followed. The last three slid in to the right boxing her in. She didn't know whether to be terrified or appreciative of the assist in dealing with the three creeps still standing in front of her.
Duchess POV
My anxiety rose as the three men began to argue with the six now in my booth. I couldn't listen to their words as I tried to find a way out of the situation. Eventually it registered that the three men had walked away but my death grip on my blaster did not loosen. The man on my right wrapped his fingers around my hand and pulled my finger off the trigger trying to pull the weapon from my hand. I tried to fight it but he was twice my size and much stronger. He succeeded in relieving me of my weapon but I was surprised when he slipped the blaster into the holster strapped to my thigh and buckled the clip locking the gun in place.
"You don't need that anymore Duchess." The man to my right said quietly.
The man to my left who had come to the table initially put his giant arm across the back of the booth right behind my head. He looked down at me and smiled. "What, no thank you for the rescue?"
His smugness got to me and I glared at him. "I didn't ask for your help." I knocked back the last of your drink. "I could have handled them."
"Yes but then they'd be dead and the night would be spoiled by the chaos of everyone fleeing the cantina." He laughed.
"Three less assholes in the world would have made it worth it." I grumbled.
The man to my right waved over a waitress and ordered a round of beers for him and his friends. "What's your poison Keress?"
I didn't really want to drink with these men but I couldn't get out of the booth and I needed another fucking drink. "Double whiskey on the rocks." I replied with a sigh accepting defeat at least temporarily.
The waitress nodded and left to retrieve the drinks. "Don't worry Duchess, you're safe with us. We're harmless." The man to my right grinned into his glass as he spoke.
The men around him found the comment funny and my hand went to my blaster. I needed out of this booth and this situation. All of the men were bigger and much stronger than I was. But if I could take them by surprise maybe I had a chance to get out the door. The click of the snap on my blaster holster made more noise than I had expected and the man to my right looked down at my thigh and sighed.
"Duchess we're not here to hurt you. We saw you needed some help and decided to step in. If you want to leave we'll gladly let you go. But you should know those three assholes are standing outside around the corner waiting for you." He shook his head as he spoke, eyeing you carefully.
"How do you know that?" I asked quietly as my hand stilled on my thigh.
The man to my left leaned in and whispered in my ear. "The Force." I could feel his hot breath on my neck and it made me shudder. It had been so long since I had been this close to a man without trying to kill each other.
Thankfully the waitress came with the drinks. I immediately told her to bring another and chugged the one she had just set down. The men around me stared in awe as the glass drained in seconds.
"Stressed out a bit there Duchess?" The man at the end of the booth to my right spoke this time.
I tilted my head back against the booth and found an arm belonging to the man to my left. I let my head rest on his bicep which was oddly comfortable.
"You have no idea." I finally answered the man.
"What's got you so jumpy?" One of the men to my left spoke.
"No offense but I'm not about to tell you anything. I don't even know who you are." I scoffed at the man.
"Forgive us." The man to my left who had been the first to approach the booth spoke up. "Im Trudgen, the other man next to you is Vicrul, Ushar is next to him and then Kuruk. To my left is Cardo and then Ap'lek. We're the Knights of Ren."
I choked on the ice cube that I had been sucking on. It lodged in my throat and my lungs began to burn. Vicrul, who was to my right, wacked me on the back and the ice cube went shooting across the table.
"You okay Duchess?" He looked at me with furrowed eyebrows.
I nodded as the waitress brought my next drink which I sipped slowly this time. I knew exactly who these men were and I knew I was properly fucked. The Knights of Ren were dark force users who were led by the Jedi Killer.
I had been running from both sides for so long I had never imagined running directly into those I was trying so desperately to stay hidden from. It occurred to me that maybe they already knew who I was. That this was a sick game of cat and mouse that they played with their victims. I wasn't positive they were there for me but I couldn't risk it. I had to pray they would get bored and walk away leaving me to my booth and my solitude.
"Are you going to tell us your name?" Trudgen asked politely with a smile.
I could never tell them my name so I lied. "You already know my name." I teased, trying anything to survive through the night at this point.
"Yeah what is it?" Vicrul asked.
"Duchess." I replied with a wink.
The men at the table chuckled as I obviously lied.
"I like this one, she’s feisty." Cardo looked deep into my eyes as he spoke and it made me uncomfortable.
I smiled and sipped my drink trying to devise what plan I could use to get away from these men. I could slip away to the bathroom but I already knew there was no exit in the back hallway where the ladies room sat. If they weren’t here for me and would let me go like they said I could just go. But now that they had told me who they were would they get suspicious? I had lost track of all of the factions hunting me at this point. I had no idea if the Knights of Ren or their Master was on that list or if I was on theirs.
“So Duchess, are you going to tell us who you really are?” Vicrul looked me over. I saw him take in my armor and try to peek behind my cape. “You’re in battle armor and it’s obvious you’re a little paranoid.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I said into my glass as I scanned the room.
Trudgen leaned into my neck again, his breath going in my ear. “I’ve been watching you since you walked in. Do you think I can’t spot someone who’s on the run?”
I swallowed hard and tried to steady my breath, revealing nothing. “Maybe you’re the one who’s paranoid.”
The men laughed around me. “No Duchess, we know that look. Who's after you? Maybe we can help.” Ap’lek spoke this time. His voice had a comforting quality and if I had been alone with him I may have been seduced into revealing more.
“Who said anyone was after me?” I smirked trying to play off my anxiety which I was failing at hiding.
“Again.” Trudgen spoke next to me. “The Force. I can taste your fear and anxiety. It’s making my skin crawl.”
“Well then maybe I should go.” I reached into my pocket and pulled out some credits for m y drinks and tossed them on the table. “Wouldn’t want to cause you any more stress.” I stood up on the booth and stepped onto the table jumping down before any of the men could move. I strutted out of the cantina. I remembered what the Knights had said about the men waiting outside. I pulled out my blaster placing it in my left hand. I tried to keep myself hidden while reaching out to find the men. I took a left and began down the road towards my ship. I could hear the footsteps behind me. Fearing it was the Knights I looked back over my shoulder. A group of four men were a ways behind me. When I turned back forward I was frozen in place at the sight of several men. Too many to count. I was about to be sandwiched between the two groups. I stepped to my right attempting to go around but the men spread out.
“If you had just been nice to me in the first palace girl my friend never would have recognized you.” It was the first drunk man that had approached my booth. His friend who had come up to my booth with him later stepped into the light.
“Well maybe you shouldn’t try to touch strange woman in a bar after then tell you to fuck off.” I retorted aggressively.
“You really are too pretty to have such a foul mouth little girl.” The man replied as his friends circled me.
“Fuck you.” I reached behind my back and took a deep breath. I had no choice but to use my melee weapon. I would be exposing myself and if I didn’t make it out of this group of men I would surely be killed or worse, tortured. “Who are you with?”
“We’re for ourselves, but the question is, what do we do with you once we have you. A dozen factions have bounties on your head. I guess we could just start a bidding war.” The man had a cruel laugh that set my nerves on edge.
I cranked my neck from side to side and holstered my blaster. I bent at the knees and pulled out a dagger from my left boot. I placed my right hand behind my back, breathing in and out as I let the energy flow through me.
“A dagger? You put your blaster away to face off with fourteen men with a dagger? I had heard you were a good fighter but I think we’ll capture you quicker than we thought.” He stood still as he spoke.
“You will try and you will fail.” I pulled my hand from behind my back and raised my eyes to meet his. I ignited the weapon in my hand and it roared to life. The red and black glow illuminated my face and I watched the man’s eyes widen in shock. I let the force flow through me for the first time in the last year. My skin buzzed like I was being slightly electrocuted and my fingers tingled. It felt good. No it felt amazing. I had been hiding for so long and now I was out and exposed. I knew the Knights would feel me the second I ignited the blade. But it was a risk I was willing to take. These men would not take me without a fight.
“Get her!” The man yelled.
I threw my dagger at the closest man landing it in his neck slicing his jugular vein before I called the blade back into my hand. I swung my saber deflecting their blaster fire and sending it back to them. Three men were dead and eleven remained. I backflipped out of the center of the men and ran at the backs of the one I had landed behind. Allowing the Force to flow through me all of my senses were heightened. I heard the pounding of footsteps approaching me from the rear. I cut my way through two more men. Nine left. Plus whoever was coming up on my rear. I ran to my left and jumped up my feet landing halfway up the wall of the closest building I launched into the group taking out two more from the original group. Seven to go. The man who had started it all was backing away. I flipped up and came crashing down behind him. I stabbed him in the shoulder holding him in place.
“Do you want to call your men off or do you want to die today?” I snarled in his ear.
He yelled to his men. “Kill this bitch! We’ll take the dead bounty!”
“Wrong answer.” I shoved my saber up through his back and out his chest. Blood poured from his mouth. Six to go. Facing the direction the running had been coming from I saw them. The Knights. Their faces were covered in their helmets and they each held terrifying weapons in their hands. Those seconds I took the Knights in were enough for a blaster shot to hit me in the left arm causing me to drop my dagger. “Fuck!” I screamed as the pain tore through my shoulder.
I charged the man who shot me. A burst of adrenaline running through my system. I flipped over his head and sliced his head off as I flew over him. Five to go. Three were distracted by the Knights and two fired their blasters at me. The pain was clouding my judgement and inciting my anger. I out stretched my hand and took both of their throats in the Force. I clenched my fist until blood flowed from both sets of eyes. The bodies dropped to the ground with a thud. The three men left had been quickly sliced in half by the Knights.
“Duchess?” Trudgen’s voice was clear from under his pieced together trooper helmet.
I stood covered in the blood of the men that lay slain at my feet. I held my lightsaber in front of me as I called my dropped dagger to my hand, stowing it in it’s sheath in my boot. I slowly backed away with the red and black blade still raised. I spun quickly and ran formy ship. I hauled ass through the streets until I came upon the patch of grass where my ship sat. I slowed as I took in the sight in front of me. My ship was destroyed. No it was gone. Erased from existence. Pieces of it lay strewn around the field. Everything I had ever owned in my entire life was gone. My credits that weren’t on my person, gone. Everything left from my childhood, gone. My freedom and means of safety and escape, gone. I sank to my knees and screamed at the top of my lungs. I screamed out of frustration and out of loss. I was truly no one with nothing now. I had the clothes on my back and my weapons as well as a small handful of credits. I heard the pounding of the Knights boots as they closed the distance between us. I heard them slow to a stop a few feet away behind me.
I was defeated and I accepted my defeat. They knew about me now. If they hadn’t been looking for me before they were going to surely take me in now. I stood up and walked towards the wreckage . There had to be something I could salvage, something had to be left. I started kicking through the scraps of metal turning pieces over. It was dark and I couldn’t see shit. I held my hand out and tried to summon specific items with the Force but nothing came. Not until I summoned my grandmother's bracelet. The silver bracelet with the Kyber crystal floated through the air and into my hand. I tucked it into my pants pocket. A bright white light illuminated the scraps of metal. I turned and one of the Knights was standing next to me. His arm cannon lit up with a bright spotlight. I gave him a grateful nod and he followed me as I searched for anything that was left. In the end I found my beskar sword that had been my great grandfather’s, a box of credits, and my helmet. The helmet was damaged and cracked but still in one piece. I held it tightly in my hands clutching it to my chest as a single tear fell in the dark. Everything else was gone. My books, clothes, shoes, pictures, artifacts, everything.
“Duchess are you okay?” Vicrul came up next to me as I held the remnants of a book cover. My mother had read me that book every night when I was a child and now it was nothing.
“Yes.” I straightened up and turned to walk away from the wreckage. I stood at the end of the road. I tucked the beskar sword behind my back. Pulled the credits from the box and placed them in the pouch inside my pants. I turned looking at the village where I had just slaughtered eleven people and then turned and looked at the forest to my left. I sighed and began to head for the forest. A hand santched my wrist and I pulled the beskar blade from behind my back, shoving it into Vicrul’s neck barely touching his exposed flesh from under his helmet. “Let me go.”
“Let us help you. Where are you going to go Duchess?” Vicrul’s voice was kind. He leaned his scythe against his shoulder and reached up with slow hands to remove his helmet.
The rest of the Knights each removed their helmets and I looked around at them. I steadied my breath and took in their faces as the moonlight danced across their handsome features. “I don’t know where I’m going, but I can’t stay here.
"Come with us." Trudgen stepped forward.
"What?" I turned to Trudgen who was behind me. He had a smile on his face as he looked at me.
"Come with us. We know you're in some trouble. Let us help you." The Knight's expression turned serious.
"I can't." I hung my head.
"Why?" Vicrul stepped to me as I lowered the balde in defeat. "Because there's a bounty on your head?" I looked up at him with wide eyes. He tossed me a bounty chip. "Pulled it off one of the men back there."
"Why don't we go to our ship and talk?" Trudgen placed a hand on my shoulder.
"Why do I feel like I don't have a choice in the matter?" I looked from Trudgen to Vicrul.
Vicrul smiled sweetly at me. "Because you don't."
The Knights turned, placing their helmets back on and I followed them down the road. They flanked me on all sides, their bodies inches from mine. I was hidden from view by anyone passing by and I didn't mind it. The walk was silent and short as the Knights radiated their aggressive energy all around me. Turning down a side road we came to a large ship sitting in another field. Kuruk walked ahead and the ramp came down settling on the grass with a loud thud and leaving a dent in the ground. The Knights corralled me into their ship before closing the hatch.
Trudgen guided me to a seating area around a small table. I set my helmet down and tried to assess the damage. I didn't have the credits to pay to have it repaired and I couldn't wear it in the condition it was in. The men began to remove their own helmets and stow their weapons on hooks on the walls of the ship. Kuruk went to the cockpit and I felt the ship lift off the ground.
"Wait." I started panicking. "Where are we going? I thought we were just talking."
Trudgen smiled at me. "It's okay, calm down. We are just talking. We're just moving the ship in case anyone followed us or you. We'll be on the same planet."
I looked around nervously at the rest of the Knights who seemed to be finding relaxing positions around the common area. Within ten minutes the ship was back on the ground settled into a field tucked inside a forest. The ramp opened and descended to the ground.
"Come on." Vicrul nudged me out of my seat.
I followed the men down the ramp through a patch of trees and we came to a small river. The night was hot and muggy but next to the river it seemed a bit cooler. The gentle rush of the water was calming and I sank to the ground. The Knights started to strip out of their clothes and set them on the river bank.
“What are you doing?” I eyed the men all in different states of undress.
“Swimming.” Ushar called out. “We always swim at this river whenever we come here. “You want to join us?”
“No thank you.” I replied and pulled my knees to my chest.
Trudgen was the only Knight not to get undressed. “Come sit by the edge with me.” He held a hand down for me to take.
I let him pull me off the ground and walked over to the edge of the river to sit back down. The ground was covered in a soft moss and I settled down comfortably. Trugen sat to my left and put his large arm around my shoulders pulling me into his side. “So Duchess, tell us your story.”
I stared at the five Knights as they splashed in the river creating all kinds of noise and scraping away any wild life that might have been around. I didn’t want to tell him or any of them my story. I didn’t know them at all. They had helped save my ass twice but I still didn’t trust them. How could I? I pulled my legs to my chest and rested my chin on my knees, hugging my legs to me. “I don’t know what to say.”
“Where are you from? What planet do you call home?”
“Nowhere. I don’t have a home planet” I replied sadly.
"What planet were you born on? Or were you born in space?" Truden chuckled as his hand moved between my shoulder blades and started rubbing in circles.
I could tell he could sense my sorrow so I answered him. "Kalarba."
His hand stopped. "Oh." He was quiet for a minute before he spoke again. "I guess you really are from nowhere then."
My planet had been destroyed almost ten years ago. I had been off planet and on a trip with my friend, Sarella, at the time it happened. Everyone I had ever known was gone. Sarella took it hard as well since she had also lost everyone and her planet. She killed herself a year later on my ship.
“What have you been doing since then?” Trudgen began to rub my back again.
I lifted my head and watched the Knights wrestling in the water just enjoying the warm night air mixed with the cool water of the river. “Surviving.”
“Have you called anywhere home since then?” He asked as he leaned forward trying to catch my eye.
“Only my ship.” I sighed as I thought about my ship in pieces in the field but the village.
“Where will you go then?”
“I have no idea. I can’t exactly do my old job. I can’t get a new job with twelve bounties on my head.” I laid back on the grass and looked up at the night sky. The two moons were both full, sending down enough light to illuminate the river and the bank we sat on. With no clouds all of the stra were fully visible this far away from civilization with no light pollution. I watched ships dart across the sky as they came into the planet's atmosphere and as they left. I had never stayed on a planet's surface more than a couple times in a row since my planet was destroyed.
“We can give you a job.” Trudgen laid back on the grass next to me. His gaze fixed on the stars.
“Yeah I’m not one to be a maid or do domestic shit but thanks.”
“What was your last job?”
I exhaled heavily as I departed telling this man I just met about my life. In the end I decided it didn’t matter anymore. I wouldn’t last very long without a ship and I was a sitting duck. If they had a fob on me then at least I might get a bed and some meals before they tortured me. “I worked for the guild. I also collected bounties on the side with a bit of hired assassin work when the right job came along.”
Trudgen turned his head to look at me with furrowed eyebrows. “And why are there bounties on you now then?”
“Well the guild has one on me because I botched a job. I didn’t take out the target. I took her and hid her away so no one could find her. That was three years ago. They found out she was still alive shortly after and hence the fob from the guild. Crimson Dawn, Black Sun and the Hutts all have bounties on me because I was paid to take out several of their own. More random families have bounties for the same reason. I was paid to take out one of their own and now they’re pissed about it. The bounties started after the Guild found out about the girl. They leaked all of my info and my hit lists, then the bounties started pouring in. So for the last three years I’ve been running, hiding, trying to avoid them all.”
“And when you found out we were the Knights of Ren?” Trudgen asked as he rolled to his side to face me.
I kept my eyes on the sky focusing on one star in particular. “I figured you were after me too. Your Master is the Jedi Killer. I’ve kept my abilities hidden for years. I found my own Kyber crystal and built my own saber. I trained myself and when I was getting really good I had to go into hiding.” I finally turned and looked at Trudgen. “I don’t want to die.”
He smiled at me and his hand brushed my cheek. “You’re not going to die Duchess.”
“How do you know that? If I went with you to wherever you’re headed how do you know he won’t kill me?” I asked him sincerely hoping for an honest answer.
“Kylo’s not that bad. He’s a hard ass sure and he has a terrible temper but he’s not a complete dick.” Trudgen sat up and looked at the Knights splashing in the river. “I’m getting in the water. You should join us.”
I watched the six men as they wrestled and splashed in the water. Some floated off to the sides and just sat down in the water. It had been so long since I had done anything relaxing or fun. I never had the chance to let my guard down. I was tempted to get in the water but I had no extra clothes and didn’t want to get in with my undergarments since they would be soaked for hours afterwards. After ten minutes of internal debate I walked down the back to a grove of trees by the bank. I slipped out of my clothes, folding them neatly and tucking them under a rock. I pulled off my undergarments and making sure that the Knights couldn’t see me I slipped into the water. The temperature was a perfect mix of warm and cold. My muscles relaxed as I swam towards the Knights keeping a ten foot distance between myself and them.
Vicrul turned around and spotted my head floating above the water with the rest of my body underneath the surface. “Duchess!”
The rest of the Knights turned and moved towards me. “No. stay over there.”
“Why?” Ushar asked.
“I don’t have any clothes on. I don’t have anything extra and I didn’t want wet undergarments later.” I knew it was a risk to tell six men I was naked in the water with them but I could fight naked if I needed to.
“Oh.” Ushar looked at me with a smirk. “Okay then.”
Surprisingly all of the Knights backed up a little and gave me a decent width of space. I swam back and forth and from bank to bank for a bit before I found a rock under the water that was the perfect height to sit on and be completely submerged with the exception of my shoulders and head.
Cardo had found a similar rock a few feet away and had sat down to talk. “So Trudgen says you might actually come with us.”
“I don’t know. Maybe. I guess I have no where else to fucking go. I have no money and no ship. I’d just be a burden though.” I turned my head towards the woods. I thought I had heard movement in the trees but the Knights made so much noise I quickly assumed it was them.
“You wouldn’t be a burden. We can find a place for you on the Steadfast.” Cardo looked to the woods behind me as he spoke. His eyes narrowed for a moment before he looked back to me. “I’m sure Master Ren would love to meet you.”
“Ok kill me.” I mumbled
Cardo laughed a genuine belly laugh, his blonde hair shook around his face. “Trust me, Kylo won’t kill you. He’ll try to fuck you probably but he won’t kill you. You’re too skilled a warrior to waste.”
I laughed at his ridiculous words. “Fuck me? Yeah I doubt that.”
“You don’t think you're fuckable?” Cardo looked deeply offended at my own insecurities.
“No, I know I’m not.” I frowned and shook my head.
“Why?” Now Cardo just looked genuinely confused.
I shrugged my shoulders since I couldn’t really find the words to describe the way I saw myself. My body was littered in scars from head to toe. I had seen nine years of battles and fights. I had always thought my hair to be my best feature since it was the only thing on my body without a scar. If you didn’t count the scar on the back of my head hidden by my hair.
I felt the blaster shot as it flew through the air. I jumped from the rock and pulled Cardo under the water. The shot missed him by an inch as I pulled him out of the line of fire. Fortunately being sensitive to the Force Cardo knew exactly what had just happened. He didn’t question why I threw my body at him pressing my breasts to his chest as I dragged him under water and held him there for a few seconds. When we surfaced half of the Knights were out of the water and Vicrul and Ushar had moved in front of Cardo and me.
Five men stood on the banks of the river. The short bald man spoke first as his balster pointed at the Knights on the shore. “Give us the girl and you gentlemen can be on your way.”
“Fuck off.” Trudgen responded.
“We can do this the easy way or the hard way. I am sorry to break up your little orgy but the girl is coming with us one way or another.” The man waved his blaster around as if for dramatic effect.
The Knights stood still as they assessed the situation. None of them had their weapons and they were all in their boxers. Vicrul backed up until his legs were pressed against my chest in the water. Even though I was completely naked I knew that he didn’t even register my bare breasts on his legs. The anger radiating off of him was clear and he stood in front of me in a protective stance. Ushar blocked me on my right and Cardo moved to my left. I was boxed in by the three men.
“I don’t know who you think you are but Duchess isn’t going anywhere with you assholes. So you can leave or you can die.” Ap’lek growled from the shore.
“Duchess?” The man laughed and his men joined in. “That bitch is far from royalty. She’s an assassin who’s about to take her last breaths. The Hutts no she’s here and have double the bounty on her. Why don’t you just turn her over to us and we’ll give you nice gentlemen a cut.”
“How much?” Trudgen asked with a smirk.
My breath caught in my throat and I backed away from Vicrul. His hand shot behind him grabbing my wrist. Ushar leaned down and whispered to me. “He’s buying time. Can you summon our weapons from the ship?”
I looked up at Ushar as his words registered in my brain. The ship wasn’t that far. I patted Vicrul on the back and he let go of my wrist. Shielded behind him I raised my hands into the air. I pictured the ship and I imagined the wall with the cleaver, axe, and Kuruk’s rifle. I summoned those weapons first to the men on the shore. Thirty seconds later Trudgen’s cleaver was in his hands. He turned to look at me and gave me a wide smile. Ap’lek snatched his axe out of the air and Kuruk’s rifle slammed into his outstretched hand. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, hands out stretched and pulled the last three weapons to the Knights surrounding me. Fully armed the Knights launched their attack on the five men. I deflected blaster fire with the Force as the Knights took on the men in hand to hand and with their weapons. As the last man was disarmed and beheaded we heard a crashing coming through the forest. I swam quickly through the water to where my clothes and saber lay by the rocks.
Trudgen had run along the shore next to me and reached down a hand to help pull me out of the water. “Time to go Duchess!” Trudgen scooped up my boots as they fell from my hands.
I held my clothes and weapons to my chest as the other Knights gathered all of their clothes and ran for the ship. Trudgen and Cardo were in front of me while Vicrul and Ushar ran behind me. I ran barefoot through the forest as the crashing got closer. The ship came into view and I sprinted ahead of all six Knights thundering up the ramp. I shot into a side hallway and quickly pulled my panties and bra on. I knew I didn’t have time for the rest of my clothes right then but at least I would be partially covered. I ran back to the ramp and ignited my saber. Blaster shots ricocheted off my blade as I sent them flying back from where they came. Kuruk ran up the ramp first and directly to the cockpit tossing his rifle aside. Cardo and Ushar were up the ramp next. Vicrul, Trudgen and Ap’lek were fighting the men outside. I ran down the ramp to the shouted protests of the Knights already on board.
I pushed in front of the three Knights. Bringing my hands to my chest I quickly concentrated and pushed out the Force towards all of the men attacking the Knights. Every man flew back, knocked on their assed. I spun grabbing Trudgen’s arm and ran for the ship. The Knights followed and before we were fully inside the ramp was being pulled up. Blaster shots hit the exterior of the ship. But Kuruk was already in the air the second Ushar had said everyone was on board.
The ship lifted out of the atmosphere and pulled away from the planet. Everything shook slightly as we made the jump to lightspeed and I fell to my knees. Everyone was out of breath as they steadied themselves on the walls of the ship. Kuruk excited the cockpit and went down a hallway and disappeared. All of the Knights disappeared and re-emerged after a few minutes fully clothed. I was so disoriented from the night's events that it didn’t register to me that I was almost naked on my knees in the Knights’ ship until Trudgen put his hand on my shoulder.
“Duchess, you should get dressed. We’ll be at the Steadfast soon.” Trudgen stepped back and I could see a look of real concern cross his face.
I stood up and nodded, finally able to breathe normal. I turned to find every Knight staring at me. Not with looks of desire or lust but with the look I hated the most in the world. Pity. I hated that look. It was the reason for my long sleeves and the fact my neck and face were the only things I ever exposed.
“Duchess, what the fuck happened to you?” Vicrul stepped up and his hand went to my side to the biggest scar on my hip.
I didn’t flinch at his touch. I just looked down at his hand. “Let’s just say you make a lot of enemies in my line of work.” I replied casually.
“It looks like you were fucking tortured.” Ap’lek stepped forward and walked around to my back to see my skin that littered with scars.
“I was. Several times. And I never fucking cracked.” I smiled at them. It was true. I had never cracked. The Force had let my mind leave my body and had dulled the pain somewhat.
“Why?” Ap’lek asked in a hushed voice.
“Like I said I’ve made a lot of enemies. It’s made me a wanted woman and yet at the same time an unwanted woman. Cardo does this answer your question from earlier?” I asked him referencing our talk in the river.
Cardo nodded solemnly. As his eyes searched my body as if there were more answers hidden somewhere.
“What question?” Trudgen asked as he stepped forward. His eyes were fixed on the large scars cut across the tops of my breasts.
“Um…” Cardo hesitated. “I asked her if she thought she was fuckable. I was teasing her about Ren. She said she knew she wasn’t fuckable.” Cardo shifted uncomfortably.
Kuruk approached me with my clothes from the hallway. He handed them to me with a sad smile. I frowned back at him. “Thank you Kuruk. It’s okay, I can’t stand to look at them very long either.”
I took my clothes and headed for the hallway of the ship to get dressed. Once I had my boots on and weapons in place I returned to the common area. Kuruk and Ap’lek were in the cockpit. The rest of the Knights were sprawled across seats and the floor. I walked over to the table that held my helmet and picked it up cradling it in my hands. Everything else I owned was stuffed into my pants. The ride was silent and I sat down knowing that at least now I wouldn’t have to worry about being hit on by the Knights. The second any man saw my scars they always ran for the hills. It was too much for them. I was broken in so many ways and there wasn’t a man out there that would ever be able to look past it.